Walking Stick Crutch Cane

  • Walking Stick Crutch Cane
  • Walking Stick Crutch Cane
  • Walking Stick Crutch Cane
  • Walking Stick Crutch Cane
  • Walking Stick Crutch Cane
  • Walking Stick Crutch Cane
Walking Stick Crutch Cane

Walking stick crutch cane

Walking stick crutch cane

Walking Stick Crutch Cane

The walking stick crutch cane is used by people with their hands to walk. It is a must-have for many elderly people to help out in their later years. It can not only stabilize the body, but also enhance physical strength. In addition, the walking stick crutch cane has a lot of magical effects. People often call it the "third leg" of the elderly, which is a good "companion" for the elderly to spend their old age. Whether it is hiking or walking, it is essential to have a free courtyard. It has three common classifications and seven special walking stick crutch canes. Medical walking stick crutch canes, hiking sticks, etc. have played a more important role in our lives. It also has a lot of knowledge in terms of structural materials and height selection.


Material Crafts Generally, the walking stick crutch canes are mostly made of wood, rattan, bamboo or aluminum alloy, and the advanced walking stick crutch cane is also made of carbon fiber material. Although there are many types of materials, all the walking stick crutch canes must be light and flexible so that they are not tired when used. Also note when choosing, the load-bearing properties of the walking stick crutch cane material are also particularly good.


Use introduction of walking stick crutch cane


The function of the walking stick crutch cane is to increase the amount of support that is supported during walking: to relieve the load that must be borne by the lower limbs or the structure of the body's bones. Generally, when using a walking stick crutch cane with a healthy side hand, the weight of the affected lower limb can be reduced by 20% to 25%. It can share the load on the patient's foot and reduce the claudication caused by muscle weakness in the lower extremities, such as patients with degenerative arthritis. For patients with lap amputation, the force of the patient's load can be increased by a walking stick crutch cane to reduce the reaction between the residual limb and the prosthetic. Reduce the muscle strength required for walking and turn, and reduce the pressure of blood circulation in the lower limbs for patients with peripheral vascular disease. It can provide a message that feels judged during the action.


Shopping points


The walking stick crutch cane is a good partner for the elderly. However, some old people feel that the walking stick crutch cane is not easy to use, and even refused to use it because of its wrestling. Therefore, the suitability of the walking stick crutch cane is also the key. First, the handle of the walking stick crutch cane should not be too slippery, and the bottom must have a bottom pad that is non-slip. Under normal circumstances, if the elderly are not too bad, you can choose the walking stick crutch cane of the foot, but if the elderly have poor balance, or have a history of stroke, arthritis or leg injury, poor support, etc., it is best to choose Multi-legged to enhance the support of the body. Second, the material and weight of the walking stick crutch cane is also very important. The walking stick crutch cane is heavy, and it will be laborious to use; it is light, and there is a feeling of ignorance. I feel that the use is not practical enough. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a kind of stick that has a sense of calmness in your hand, such as solid wood or a thick bamboo stick. Third, the length of the walking stick crutch cane is very important. Too long or too short will make the support point unnatural: high, it will tilt the body, it is easy to cause the old man's foot to step on the ground; if it is low, it must bend over and bend forward, and it is uncomfortable to walk. The most appropriate height of the walking stick crutch cane is that the person stands upright and the height of the walking stick crutch cane from the ground to the horizontal stripes of the wrist when the hands are naturally drooping.

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